Oct 18, 2015

The status of Project Fight Club

Immediately after starting this blog, I thought I'd do it justice by addressing something many (and by that I mean about 6) people have been asking and that's "What's up with Project Fight Club?"

I want to remake it. Sorta.

PFC started out as a showcase of a few tools I made within the week prior to the game's inception. They were never meant to be a part of a bigger game, they were just weapons I made for fun (two of which were skills from Dota). Because of the nature of the game, the interactions between the tools were very wonky. In addition, the game wasn't clean; I didn't use module scripts so editing an element that's shared between tools was a pain. The worst part was that the game wasn't developed to be filtering enabled compatible.

Now don't get me wrong, I love PFC and what it brings to the table. I try to capture that old 09-ish feel of combat with a modern-esque twist because I miss games where you're sort of just dropped in a field with a bunch of weapons and you gotta make them work. I wanted to create a fighting game with no leveling system and no microtransactions that would give players an edge. I wanted a good player to be defined by their experience and knowledge of the game instead of the size of their wallet or because they've unlocked more stuff than you. 

I love the community it created and I love their dedication to the game, but it was a bit overwhelming. I found myself getting frustrated at all the forced bug reports I was getting, bugs that are just so specific that some weren't even worth fixing. Some bugs were game breaking and my options for fixing them were very very limited. All the reports and the amount of people begging me to update the game didn't help me with what I was going through so I took the game down for a while, but I want to work on it again, by remaking it.

I've actually already been redoing some of the tools, mainly the swords. Since they all work on the same script (courtesy of stickmasterluke), I only had to update one of them to update almost all of them. Once I finished remaking Mr.Slice, the rest of the swords were a snap. The only one I haven't finished redoing was the Rogue Dagger. I redid the status effect system to be way easier to work with along with adding some new effects like silence, damage amplification, and root.

I started a private Trello with my friends who are helping me redo the game. I've already finished a completely new level that stays true to the style of Raven Rock and adds a breath of fresh air to the suffocating diversity of PFC's repertoire of maps.

Here's a sneak peek: 

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