While it has been quite a while since the last PFC Update post, there have been lots of features and changes I've been meaning to cover the next time I make a post. While it has been a while since the last update to PFC, the newest update will include some new tools as well as some quality inclusions such as the main menu, a leaderboard, and a banner for when you're KO'd by someone. Behind the update also includes some unseen changes to the game's framework to set the game up for future customization for both user experience and cosmetic appeal. The following content is more about the most recent additions to the game so it won't include the other tools added (which I'll discuss in the future).
Look at all the colors |
One of the major additions to the game is the monolith. In order to promote traffic in what would be considered dead areas of the map, a new, fast spawning structure appears in certain areas of the map in pairs. These monoliths provide a random buff every 30 seconds. The buff can be anything from invisibility to movement speed to health regeneration. In order to claim these buffs, you'll have to be the only one nearby it for a while to receive its blessing, similar to an obelisk. In addition, you can't see what the buff is and whether it's been taken or not until you're up close to it. The idea is to create a reoccurring point of interest for the player to check upon and to add to the chaotic, fast-paced action that makes the game's identity.
While the monolith itself is more of a placeholder for a more appealing structure, the icons for the buffs themselves are here to stay. Wonderfully made in Maya by my partner, these floating icons were created as objects to be better influenced by the game's lighting as well as to create depth, making it easier to identify. In addition, each symbol has its own silhouette, further strengthening its clarity.
Woosh woosh woosh |
Regen Coil
What's an update without new, or rather, rebuilt tools? Returning to the game is the self-sustaining Regen Coil. Being able to heal on your own in between battles is a versatile and welcomed addition to any loadout and with Regen Coil returning, you too can recover on your own, so long as nobody is nearby you.
Regen Coil functions nearly identical to its original rendition: you heal when nobody is nearby and you're slowed based on how much HP you're missing. The slow was added before when you'd be able to run away from an assailant maintaining distance, allowing you to heal followed by reengaging. The slow is designed to force the Regen Coil to be used for its intended purpose and that's to heal in between engagements rather than in the middle of one.
The new Regen Coil now notifies you with a sound and a visual indicator for when an opponent is within range of you, making it easier for you to tell how far you must be to receive your healing. The animation for equipping the coil (and for subsequent coils thereafter) is bouncy to reflect on the tool's shape and origin. In the future, we'd love to remake the coil to look more natural and healthy as opposed to just being a green coil (which would very much clash with the Speed Coil for colorblind players).
The dummy likes to do a little trolling |
Vine Scroll
The Vine Scroll was always one of my favorite tools in the game; an arena trap tool makes for a versatile utility that allows for forced duels as well as clever escapes adds to the creative flavor PFC offers. While I myself personally enjoyed the Vine Scroll in the past, many players often forego the tool for others. In order to make the tool more appealing, it received some hefty buffs.
One of the major changes to the Vine Scroll is that the user can now climb the vines while other players may not, allowing the user to use the Vine Scroll more safely and not lock themselves in duels when the fight doesn't go their way. Though that being said, it isn't always safe and easy to simply climb the vines to escape a fight. Another welcome change is that casting the ability no longer locks you into place, allowing you to follow players you intend to trap within the cage. In order to adjust the tool to the new equip times the game included, the invulnerability time increased to one whole second now, allowing ample time to equip a tool after summoning a wall. Lastly, as a quality of life improvement, a ghost image of the vines indicates where the vines will be set up when summoning them.
Trolled |
Lastly, to populate the game with more loadout choices, I opted to include an Ultimate in this update, and my choice was to include the Landmines, an area denial ability that was notorious for KOing unaware players. In order to better promote a healthier play environment, Landmines received some strong nerfs in order to prevent the ridiculous instant kill identity it once had.
That being said, it's important to note that mechanically, most Ultimates have been indirectly nerfed by the game's round cycle; since the original PFC had no map rotation and no round timer, you could theoretically reach insurmountably high Killstreaks and dominate the server as if you owned the place. Since you can no longer do that, having 50 mines in your pocket isn't as achievable as before. The Landmines now work much differently than their original incarnation.
Landmines no longer trigger instantly when touched. Now, the Landmines trigger when a player enters its "arming" range, where the Landmine begins to arm itself followed by its detonation. This allows players to disarm Landmines by carefully looking out for them and stepping out of their range. While an easier task when aware of their presence, players who lack the insight to spot them will find themselves triggering them without time to react, punishing them with the explosion that deals damage to anybody within the Landmine's range. The Landmines are more transparent but glow red with a tiny light that intermittently appears. When the mines are stacked together in a singular place, the lights will make it easier to distinguish a bed of mines as they'll turn on at separate intervals. Additionally, one cool change is that Illumina now reveals hidden landmines.
You are in a no troll zone |
I apologize for anyone waiting for a larger update for the allotted time; please bear with us that much has changed behind the scenes to prepare the game for the long term. That being said, I'm happy to announce as well that from this point onwards, for the duration of the game is in its beta state, new tools and maps will be released when ready as opposed to being bundled. I'm excited to see content drip into the game and see how it affects the game.