To the very few who were waiting for the blog post on the Colossus and the finale for the black hole event, I'll get around to it. I've been busy working on this update and I just finished releasing it. Before I explain the event, allow me to help those who are currently attempting the new boss.
Gathering Items
Before we get into the boss fight, you're going to need to collect some items before the fight. They'll be ordered based on proximity with each other, allowing you to get multiple without having to backtrack as often.
Mage's Bottoms:
The Mager Bottoms grant the wearer 15% magic damage while decreasing range damage by 10%. You can find the legs in the bathroom of the heist room behind the bathtub, the room behind the planks of wood on the second floor.
Protect from Magic:
The protection prayers are the most important part of the fight. In order to successfully kill the boss, you must switch your protections properly in order to nullify the insurmountable amounts of damage dealt from the boss. The damage is only protected against if the prayer was up before the projectile was shot.
The first one we're going to get is Protect from Magic, which protects you from the purple blasts of the boss and the projectiles from the Treelings. This one can be found in the ruins of BlazerC's shop which is located on the second floor of the apartment down the main hall. You can find the book that teaches the prayer inside his shop laying on the floor.
Sharks heal you a whopping 22 HP, 10 HP healed more than the burger. You could bring Red Cola with you, but you have to have the tool out until the drink is finished in order to receive the health benefits, preventing you from healing up with multiple items in a short frame of time.
The Shark can be found on a little ledge on the edge of the border buildings nearby the factory. To get here, go on the roof of the apartment and drop down on the buildings that are pressed against the apartment. Jump onto the higher building then drop below to where the shark is located.
Skull Trident:
The Skull Trident is an upgrade to the Magic Axes staff and deals 1-17 base damage and only has a 10% chance of rolling a 0. To find the Trident, head to the secret shop and buy a picture frame. Go down the main hallway on the same floor and go through the wall at the end of the hallway, towards the left wall. Use the picture frame on the purple door and enter the portal. Go past the door with the tree obscuring it and head towards the room with a picture of BlazerC over it. Turn immediately to your right and you'll find the Trident.
Crystal Eye Prayer:
The Crystal Eye Prayer is a damage boost prayer that allows you to increase your range damage output by 15%. You can find the book behind the fake chest on Skyworld. If you don't know how to get to Skyworld, the portal in the room under BlazerC's apartment will take you there. If you don't know how to get to the chest behind the Skyworld shop, there's a translucent path to the right of the of the shop. You can squeeze through the fences to get through and onto the path.
Captain's Axe:
The Captain's Axe is the upgrade to the default throwing axes and deals 1-15 base damage and only has a 12.5% chance of rolling a 0. To find the axes, head to Skyworld and buy the sewer key. Use the key on the sewer hatch behind Rhysmon's shop. Head straight and turn left then cross the bridge. Keep going straight until you reach the end and turn right to end up in Waterworld. Go inside the shop in Waterworld to find the Captain's Axe.
Magic Surge:
Magic Surge is the magic equivalent to Crystal Eye. When toggled, it grants the user a 15% boost in magic damage. To find the book that grants the prayer, named Magic 101, head to the school to the right of the shops and check inside the teacher's lectern.
Protect from Missiles:
The Protect from Missiles Prayer protects you from range damage: the green projectiles from the Tree Boss. Head down the black road and turn left into the police station. Go into the senior officers only room and behind the table, you'll find the prayer book.
Mage's Top:
The Mage's Top grants the wearer 25% more magic damage while reducing range damage by 15%. Walk down the light yellow path until you reach Club Lazy. You can find the Mager Torso leaning behind the left speaker, relative to when you enter the club.
Ranger Tunic:
The Ranger Tunic grants the wearer 15% range damage while decreasing magic damage by 30%. Head to the Badlands past the broken fence left to the shop and walk across the bridge to the elevated area. Go inside the building directly in front of the bridge through the staircase. You'll find the Ranger Tunic behind some crates under the stairs you entered on.
Ranger Chaps:
The Ranger Chaps grant 25% range damage to the wearer while dropping your magic damage by 30%. Go to the junkyard in the Badlands that's adjacent to the building with the sign saying "git lost" on it. You'll find the chaps nearby a crate.
(Not Necessary) Protect from Melee:
The only attack that does melee damage during the battle is the Treelings and the tail and smash attack from the boss. It isn't recommended to use protect from melee during any of these situations because protecting against the Tree Boss is more important than protecting against the Treelings and you can simply walk further away to avoid the Tree Boss's melee attacks. It's considered a waste of a slot to bring this prayer however if you wish to be a completionist you can find it behind Rhysmon in his shop.
Finding the Boss
The island where you fight the boss can be teleported to by heading inside the vacant room inside the Phillies building which is right next to Club Lazy.
Once you go inside the room, touch the fairy ring inside and it will teleport you to the island nearby the factory.
Once you've reached the island and you're ready to fight the Tree Boss, talk to the Ancient Lumberjack to pick which items you wish to use. Once you've selected all your items, exit the menu and step onto the boat and sail to the island.
Selecting your loadout
The Tree Boss may be daunting at first glance but once you understand the mechanics and the patterns you'll be able to kill him with ease. You will most likely die your first few times but hopefully, with the help of this guide, you'll have the confidence and the knowledge to take it down.
Many people have different set-ups for fighting Tree Boss so I'll be sharing some that will make fighting the boss much easier. I'll order them from most effective to the least while accounting for difficulty as well.
Best in slot:
This is the best possible loadout you can use to kill Tree Boss, however, this loadout requires copious amounts of switching and has the lowest possible amount of sharks. This loadout will allow you to deal the highest possible amount of damage to the boss which in turn allows you to kill it faster than any other loadout. When fighting the boss with this loadout, when you must switch damage types and change protections, you press and click 1-5 for against ranged or 6-0 against magic. Since the weapons are at the end of the switch, you'll land right on them. During the Jad phase (more on that later) the prayers are to the left and right of the Trident, making prayer switching much easier. This loadout is only recommended to those who can manage to switch all their equipment in time. With this loadout, you can defeat the boss in under 1:50.
No Armor:
This type of loadout seems to be pretty popular amongst players. This loadout eliminates the need to switch armor when fighting the Tree Boss and only focusing on the protections prayers, the damage prayers, and the weapons. With 4 fewer items in your inventory than the one above, you'll be able to add 4 more sharks to your inventory, allowing you to stay alive longer if you take heavy damage during the fight. With the elimination of clothes in this loadout, Tree Boss will take a minute or so longer than the best in slot. If you run this loadout, you can try arranging the switches like the best in slot loadout to only have to press 1-3 or 4-6 to switch as opposed to 1, 5, then 3. With this loadout, you'll be able to defeat the boss in times around 2:15-3:30.
Magic Only:
This loadout is the slowest viable loadout I'm aware of. By using only magic, you'll be doing abysmal amounts of damage during Tree Boss's magic form. The benefit of this loadout is the lack of switching needed to utilize it; all you have to do is switch prayers. You start the fight turning on Magic Surge and equipping your Mage clothes and you're done. Requires a whole less amount of thinking at the cost of time and longer the fight takes, the more food you may have to use. You'll probably hit times over 3:30.
Fighting the Tree Boss
With your equipment selected you'll be sailed to the Tree Boss's shrine where you'll be prompted with a message and given a 20 second grace period. During this free time, you're free to set up armor or prayers or arrange items in your pack. It's important to remember that you can use tools inside your backpack by selecting them and clicking outside of the backpack, making eating food inside your pack faster than if you were to move them into your hot bar.
After the 20 second grace period the EMP you definitely planted yourself will detonate and trigger the boss. The Tree Boss will rise from the water and begin the fight.
The Tree Boss has many mechanics that require different methods of handling. A quick rundown:
Tree Form:
While in its tree form the Tree Boss will be brown and made of wood covered in green vines. During this form, the Tree Boss will shoot a range attack at the player. When the boss is in this mode, you want to protect from range and attack using magic damage. Tree Boss will always spawn as this form but won't attack. That being said, always start the fight ready to attack its tree form but you don't have to protect range.
Black Hole Form:
This is the Tree Boss's magic phase. In this form, Tree Boss's colors will switch to the black hole color palette: black and purple. During this form, the boss will shoot dominantly magic projectiles but has a 1/6 chance to shoot a range attack. Since it's only 1/6 chance, it's recommended to protect from magic since you cannot predict what type of projectile it will be.
Stone Form:
This form you don't really see. The boss will be covered in dark green vines and turn its skin to stone. When in this form, Tree Boss will emerge from the water and smash the ground with either its tail or its arms. If you're caught close to the attack, you'll be stunned and knocked over. When using its upper body to attack, the stun duration and area of effect is larger; this attack is known as the slam attack.
Venom Clouds:
Occasionally Tree Boss will shoot venom clouds onto the island that deals constant damage when standing inside of them. The boss fight always starts with Tree Boss deploying clouds except for on the upper right area of the map, the East side. The clouds deal 0.75-3 damage every 1/4th second you're inside it.
Sometimes Tree Boss ends one of its forms by spawning 5 Treelings. These mini Tree Bosses have a max hit of 15 and use both magic and melee attacks. They only have 1 HP so it's best you ignore them and let your innate recoil powers damage the boss. You can only recoil 40 total damage before it stops working and the recoil property works on the boss too.
The "Jad" Phase:
Towards the end of each rotation, you will encounter a phase called "the Jad phase." During this phase, Tree Boss will appear in its Tree form and start out with a range attack. Tree Boss will then follow up the attack with a magic attack and alternate between attacks, requiring you to alternate protection prayers. The moment you see a green projectile start protecting from magic and when you see a purple projectile, start protecting range. The protection prayer protects you the moment the projectile is shot, not the moment it contacts you. The Jad phase is noticeably longer, shooting 4 projectiles more than either Tree Form or Black Hole phase.
The Rotations:
Here's a chart of the rotations and where to stand during each portion. Some key notes:
- Each rotation starts with a center Tree Form that spews clouds except for the northeast portion. During the grace period, run to the upper right portion of the island to avoid the initial clouds
- At the end of each rotation, Tree Boss will select a new rotation but skips the center Tree Form. All rotations except the 3rd end the phase with spawning clouds on every point of the island. At the end of each rotation rush to the northeast to prepare for the next rotation.
- Rotation 1 and 4 are identical in the beginning. At the end of the south Tree Form portion, see whether or not Tree Boss spawns treelings. If its projectiles are dark green, run to the west; if the projectiles are white and are spawning treelings, run back towards the east.
- Prepare for each rotation accordingly by initializing any prayers and equipment and moving into position. The Tree Boss will shoot 6 projectiles before continuing its pattern. If Tree Boss spawns clouds or Treelings then it will not shoot until it relocates.

When defeated the Tree Boss will drop various amounts of living bark, which are used to fueling the boss's rewards. If you're lucky, the boss has a 1/128 chance to drop an item, with 2 rolls, equating to 1/64 chance to receive an item. The items are:
- Guitar
- Saxophone
- Violin
- Accordion
- Wheelchair
- Unicycle
If you're even luckier, you have a 1/500 chance to receive a pet voucher that you can use to acquire a pet.
The grind for an item may be tedious but the drops are definitely a worthwhile payout for your time and effort. It may take some time to get used to and this may all seem overwhelming but it shouldn't be too difficult to fight.